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2021 Guangxi Youth Vocational Skills Competition was successfully held in LVCT

Updated:2021-10-04 10:55|Hits:

From News Center(Text by Han Xiao,School Youth League Committee, Picture by Liu Zhirong ,Converged Media Center of LVTC) Follow the CPC and work hard, develop the skills ,become talents and serve the country. In order to implement “Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region’s Medium and Long-term Youth Development Plan (2018-2025)”and the relevant requirements of the Guangxi Youth Vocational Skills Competition in 2021, further guide and mobilize the majority of professional youth  to improve their vocational skills, strive for first-class performance, and devote themselves to make contributions to the post, and select and recommend outstanding skilled talents to participate in the 17th”Revitalization Cup”National Youth Vocational Skills Competition, from 27th to 29th,September , sponsored by the Guangxi Communist Youth League Committee and the Guangxi Youth Vocational Skills Competition,  Guangxi Human Resources and Social Security Department, Liuzhou Communist Youth League Committee , hosted by the Municipal Party Committee and Liuzhou Human Resources and Social Security Bureau , the 2021 Guangxi Youth Vocational Skills Competition was successfully held in Liuzhou Vocational and Technical College.

On the morning of September 28, the opening ceremony of the competition was launched in Liuzhou Vocational and Technical College. Rong Liwei, deputy secretary of the Guangxi Communist Youth League Committee , Lu Liuping, deputy mayor of Liuzhou Municipality, Nong Chunyou, the first-level investigator of the Vocational Ability Building Division of the Guangxi Human Resources and Social Security Department, Shen Yandong, the fourth-level investigator of the Youth Development Department of the Guangxi  Communist Youth League Committee, and Ju Hongxia, vice president of LVTC, Wang Jun, deputy secretary of the Liuzhou Municipal Communist Youth League Committee , and Li Jie, a fourth-level investigator of Liuzhou Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, attended the opening ceremony, and Zhang Yang, secretary of Liuzhou  Communist Youth League Committee , presided over the opening ceremony. At the opening ceremony, Deputy Mayor Lu Liuping gave a speech. Representatives of referees and contestants made speeches. Rong Liwei, deputy secretary of Guangxi Communist Youth League Committee, gave a speech and announced the opening of the competition.

This competition is not only the stage for the professional young people to compete for technology and skills in Guangxi this year, but also the site of the preliminary contest of the 17th “Revitalization Cup”National Youth Professional Skills Competition. Guangxi Youth Vocational Skills Competition stuck to the benchmarks of the relevant technical standards of the national competition. Compared with previous years, this competition has inherited the traditional secondary industry’s strong competitive work types, while developing the tertiary industry and emerging industries related work types and extending to the vocational colleges and non-public domains, which effectively increase the work coverage and effective cohesion of young skilled talents. According to the actual situation of the national competition, the competition organizing committee set up two groups of workers and students ranging from 16 to 35 year-old, and each group had 3 competition occupations (type of work) as computer programmers, turners, and industrial robot system operators. After careful preparation and fierce competition, the teachers and students of LVTC achieved outstanding results in the main competition. In the computer programmer project, LVTC won the first place in the student group and the fifth place in the staff group. In the turner project, LVTC got the first and second place in the student group. In the industrial robot system operator project, LVTC won the first, third and fourth place in the student group and the third place in the staff group. Winners will have the opportunity to get a pass to participate in the 17th “Revitalization Cup”competition, representing Guangxi to participate in the competition. In the early stage of the competition, special contests were organized, which included two groups: the secondary vocational group and the higher vocational group. Among the three competition categories of technological innovation, creative design and management innovation, 31 honoured programs in Guangxi were shortlisted for the national competition, of which two projects from LVTC entered the national competition.

The competition ended on the afternoon of September 29. Zuo Xianglei, deputy secretary of the Guangxi Communist Youth League Committee , Gan Jinming, the principal of LVTC, Zhang Yang, secretary of  Liuzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, Shen Yandong, a fourth-grade investigator of the Youth Development Department of the Guangxi Communist Youth League Committee , and Cao Zhiyong, a fourth-grade investigator of the Liuzhou Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau attended the closing ceremony, Wang Jun, deputy secretary of Liuzhou Communist Youth League Committee , presided over the closing ceremony. At the closing ceremony Gan Jinming addressed . Zuo Xianglei gave a speech and expressed hope to the participants. He hoped that the young people should cultivate a strong will to forge ahead and persevere. He expected that the young participants should cultivate the craftsmanship of constantly striving for excellence and outstanding. He also remarked that the youth should cultivate a noble sentiment that is indifferent to fame and fortune and that is willing to give.

During this competition season, a series of special lectures were organized for these young skill masters. Zhou Lei, a Guangxi skill master and a member of the Youth Lecturer Group of the Youth League Central Committee, was invited to share their stories of being prominence and further guided the skilled young people to participate in the great cause of building a modern and powerful China with characteristic socialism in this new era. “Making the best use of your talents”the 2021 Guangxi Youth Skilled Talents Special Recruitment Fair was held , so as to ensure that enterprises could find young skilled talents and provide positions for talents. A total of 100 companies provided nearly 500 positions at the job fair, and more than 2,000 students attended the fair.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the vocational skills competition provides a platform for the vast number of skilled talents to showcase their superb skills and learn from each other. It has a positive effect on strengthening the team of skilled workers and promoting economic and social development. The “2021 Guangxi Youth Vocational Skills Competition”is an in-depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on youth and the important instructional spirit of skilled talents under the background of China’s implementation of innovation-driven development strategies and accelerating industrial upgrading, which is an important event for Guangxi’s talent training, and the holding of the competition in LVTC also provides the school with valuable learning and exchange opportunities. In the future, LVTC will take the successful holding of this competition as an opportunity to further improve the organization of school skills competitions, strengthening the training of technical skills of teachers and students, and striving to achieve more and better results in important national and regional competitions, which leads the training of young talents, contributes to the school’s “Double High Plan”construction, and makes greater contributions to the construction of the magnificent Guangxi and the realization of the high-quality industrial development of Liuzhou.


Rong Liwei, Deputy Secretary of Guangxi Youth League  Committee attends and addresses the opening ceremony


Zuo Xianglei, deputy secretary of Guangxi Youth League Committee, attends and addrsses the closing ceremony of the competition


Lu Liuping, Deputy Mayor of Liuzhou municipality, attends the opening ceremony and delivers a speech


Nong Chunyou, a first-grade investigator of the Vocational Ability Building Division of the Guagnxi Human Resources and Social Security Department, attends the opening ceremony 


President Gan Jinming attends the closing ceremony and delivers a speech


Zhang Yang, Liuzhou Municipal Youth League Committee attends the opening and closing ceremonies and presides over the opening ceremony


Shen Yandong, a 4th-grade investigator of the Youth Development Department of the Guangxi Communist Youth League Committee , attends the opening and closing ceremonies


Vice President Ju Hongxia attends the opening ceremony


Wang Jun, deputy secretary of Liuzhou Communist Committee participates in the opening and closing ceremonies , and presides over the closing ceremony


Li Jie, 4th-grade Investigator of Liuzhou Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, attends the opening ceremony 


Cao Zhiyong, a 4th-grade investigator from Liuzhou Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, attended the closing ceremony


The referee representative swears 


Representative of contestants makes a speech at the opening ceremony


The referee representative speaks at the closing ceremony


Representative of contestants spoke at the closing ceremony



Leaders visit the competition venue




The competitors are playing seriously


Zhou Lei, Lecturer of the Youth Lecturers Group of the Central Youth League, shares his stories


Seminar on the introduction of young talents


“Making the best use of your talents” 2021 Guangxi Youth Skilled Talents Special Recruitment Fair

Department website reviewer: Han Xiao, Communist Youth League Committee of LVTC

Editor-in-chief and supervisor: Luo Shihua, the Publicity Department of the Party Committee